Super8, Regular 8mm and 16mm cinefilm digitisation
Many of us have a box hidden somewhere in our homes that are filled with priceless and irreplaceable treasures, yet we can’t look at a single one of them! Reels of the film in formats such as 8mm, Super 8 and others were the only way to go until the development of Videotape. Some may date back to our parent’s time, others from the time of our grandparents, and maybe even those of our own childhoods.

What Format do you have?
Time is the enemy of preserving old film and videos. Future your proof your priceless visual heritage now, and trust your precious films and videos to Video Transfers, the digital transfer specialists.
We use only the latest in Film transfer technology to turn your old film reels into High Definition MP4 files, allowing easy copying, sharing, uploading and transferring of your family history for generations to come.

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